Water is the basis of all life. On the one hand, it is the habitat of a large number of plants and animals, as well as important components of the natural balance. On the other hand, it serves us as essential food, giving our body moisture. It prevents us from becoming dehydrated and ensures our organs remain functional. Without water we can normally only survive three to seven days, but without solid food we can survive for several weeks.
So let’s take a closer look at this vital element and clarify:
- what water is and what its meaning is.
- which types of water there are.
- what happens to us when there is a lack of water.
- tips on how to drink properly and what you should consider.
What is water
Basically, water is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen (H2O). It is clear, odorless, colorless and tasteless. The term water is used for the liquid state of aggregation. In the solid state one speaks of ice, in the gaseous state of water vapor.
Water resources
Water is the most abundant substance on Earth. After all, oceans, seas, lakes and rivers cover around 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. From space, the Earth appears blue, which is why it is also called the blue planet. The total water supply amounts to around 1.42 billion cubic kilometers, which is constantly in circulation due to the change in weather. Without this cycle, our planet would slowly dry out and no longer be able to cleanse and regenerate.
The human organism works exactly according to this principle. It is therefore important that we drink regularly to keep our water balance in check. Like the Earth, humans are made up of around 70 percent water, with our brains at 90 percent water content. The water content of the body in children is up to 75 percent, even higher than in adults. This is why children have to keep an eye on getting enough. As we get older, the water content reduces down to 60 percent.
Water and its properties
No element has such unusual physical and chemical properties. Density, freezing point, boiling point, surface tension – water behaves differently in practice compared to theory. For instance, to this day science cannot explain why water at temperatures below four degrees expands when it cools down and why it doesn’t condense like other elements. It has optimal surface tension and can defy gravity, climbing to the tops of the mightiest trees. Water is also the strongest solvent, because of the weak connections between the individual water molecules.
Water types
Drinking / tap water
Drinking water in Germany consists of around two thirds of groundwater and one third of surface water, i.e. coming from rivers, lakes or dams. Since it has to be processed in most cases, it is not a complete natural product. Numerous treatment methods and chemical additives are permitted for cleaning and disinfection. The drinking water ordinance regulates the quality of drinking water.
However, drinking water suppliers are only responsible for the water quality up to the house connection. The house owner is responsible for the pipes and for the tap. Impurities such as heavy metals or bacteria can thus get into the drinking water via the house pipes or fittings.
Tips to keep in mind when using drinking water:
- Drinking water can spoil. If you have not used your line for more than four hours, drain any stale water.
- Use the kettle or stove for hot water to drink. Impurities can arise in the water heater.
- Lead pipes can be laid in older houses, which leads to increased lead pollution in drinking water. Ask your landlord or property manager about this. In addition, waterworks offer water analyses for a fee of around 50 euros. At many waterworks, this service is free of charge for expectant mothers.
Natural mineral water
Natural mineral water is a natural product created by rainwater that seeps through various layers of rock over the course of several years. It is cleaned in a natural way and at the same time absorbs valuable substances such as calcium or magnesium.
The underground water resources are brought to the surface by the mineral water companies and bottled directly on site. In order to guarantee the quality of the mineral water, 200 geological, chemical and microbiological examinations are carried out at various stages in the production chain. It is therefore the only officially recognised food in Germany. There are over 250 sources here. Each region has a different deposit of the layers of the earth. This means that every mineral water is also unique, as it differs in the composition of minerals, trace elements and carbon dioxide. The companies may only remove sulfur and iron from the mineral water and also add or remove carbonic acid.
Depending on the content of minerals, mineral water is divided into three groups:
- Hydrogen carbonate water:
- usually has a high content of magnesium and calcium
- tastes earthy-dry to slightly metallic
- Chloride water:
- contain more sodium chloride
- get a salty note
- Sulphate waters:
- contain calcium sulfate
- can taste slightly sweet to slightly bitter
In addition to countless mixed forms, there are also areas in which there are hardly any minerals in the water, i.e. no more than 50 milligrams of minerals per liter. They usually have a neutral taste.
Spring water
Spring water comes from underground water sources. Like mineral water, spring water passes through rock layers where it’s being cleaned, absorbing minerals along the way. It collects in a spring where it has to be bottled directly. In addition, only a few gentle treatment methods are used. In contrast to mineral water, the mineral content can vary from time to time and there are no limits for mineral substances to be adhered to. Spring water does not have to have a physiological effect. In addition, no official recognition is given. However, its composition must meet the requirements for drinking water.
Table water
Table water is produced industrially. It can be a mixture of different types of water. Mineral water, drinking water, natural brine and sea water are permitted. In addition to carbon dioxide, minerals can also be added. There are no legal regulations for the mixing ratios. In contrast to mineral water, it can be bottled anywhere and does not require official approval. Only the guidelines of the Additive Admissions Ordinance and the Drinking Water Ordinance have to be complied with. The label must also state that it is table water. Since manufacturers can precisely determine the taste of table water, it is often used as the basis for soft drinks.
Medicinal water
Medicinal water is one of the oldest natural remedies. It arises from underground water sources that are protected from contamination. In addition, it must meet the same criteria as mineral water. To be considered medicinal water, it must also have a particularly high content of minerals and trace elements. This is why it has a preventative, soothing or healing effect, which has to be scientifically proven. Compared to the other waters, it is subject to the Drugs Act and is approved by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices. Source, composition, drinking recommendation and areas of application are recorded on the label. You can find more information about healing water at www.deutsche-heilbrunnen.de
Other types
Light water
Light waters are spring waters naturally arising from the earth (artesian spring) and at the same time have been known to have special energy frequencies. In addition, the physical properties of such waters have the ability to be in resonance with all seven light spectra of the sun. So far, seven such sources have been discovered in the last few centuries. The most famous of these is the Lourdes spring. Thousands of people make pilgrimages to the site every year. It is reported that spontaneous healings occur again and again.
The seven light water sources:
- Fatima / Portugal
- Lourdes / France
- Santa Maria a la Fontana / Italy
- Montichiari / Italy
- Medjugorje / Bosnia-Herzegovina
- San Damiano / Italy
- Efeso / Turkey
Structured water
What is structured water?
It is generally known that H2O occurs in three aggregate states:
- solid (as ice)
- liquid (as water)
- gaseous (as water vapor)
As already mentioned, in comparison to all other substances there are many phenomena and anomalies that can only be observed in water. There is no plausible scientific explanation for this as long as one assumes that water can only exist in these three phases. Even about 100 years ago, however, there were first assumptions that there could be a fourth phase of water.
Professor Pollack’s investigations of structured water
In recent years, Prof. Gerald Pollack, biology professor from the USA, and his research team have found out a lot about this phenomenon. Pollack states that water in this form is neither liquid nor solid and is a liquid crystal with physical properties that are similar to raw egg white.
Prof. Pollack has pointed to structured water in numerous experiments and examined its properties. In his publications he also calls structured water EZ water. EZ stands for “Exclusion Zone”. With the formation of structured water, impurities are pushed away to the outside. When structured water forms, H2O molecules combine to form hexagonal structures, looking like flat honeycomb-like structures. In contrast to the ice crystal, these hexagonal structures are only two-dimensional, i.e. flat. Most of these hexagonal structures are very large on top of each other. This is why structured water is sometimes also called hexagonal water.
These hexagonal structures are already known from the ice crystal, in which many of these flat hexagonal structures lie on top of one another and are firmly connected to one another. In structured water, the hexagonal layers are not connected to one another, but lie loosely on top of one another and can easily slide on one another. Since the hexagonal crystalline structure of the water is present in the individual layers of structured water, it is also called a liquid crystal. In practice, structured water and simple unstructured liquid water mostly occur together and both appear like a liquid. Under certain conditions, differences between these two types of water can even be observed with the naked eye in the laboratory.
What influence does structured water have on people?
Most of the water in our body is structured water. It is not because we drink a lot of structured water, but because our body is able to produce structured water from normal liquid water.
Structured water can be a source of energy because it is negatively charged. For instance, if the hexagonal structures form at a hydrophilic interface in a cell, they are always negatively charged. In the area next to these structures, positive charges collect. This creates a small battery (plus and minus pole) in the cell. The more structured water is formed, the more energy is in this battery. Water is the main actor in most of the biochemical processes in a living being’s body. The ingredients of such a biochemical process are naturally surrounded by structured water. Pollack observed that sick cells have much less structured water than healthy cells – not only in humans, but also in animals and plants.
Water fulfills important functions in our body
Water is the basis of all fluids in our body. It:
- is the main component of blood
- makes the digestion of our food possible in the first place
- transports nutrients
- directs waste to the excretory organs
- regulates body temperature
- lubricates the joints as a lubricant
- is significantly involved in the transmission of signals in the body
- is the best information storage and carrier.
The way in which water molecules settle around the spiral of DNA (our genetic material) even gives clear evidence of diseases.
If we don’t drink enough water, we will notice a dry throat or dry lips very quickly. The fluid in our body works like a sophisticated transport system, as it:
- brings nutrients into cells and
- transports degradation products and salts away again.
Heat balance
At high temperatures we lose more fluids than normal. This is because water is released through the skin in the form of sweat and water vapor. Anyone who sweats and drinks too little makes you tired. The reason for this is a thickening of the blood. When this happens, the blood simply can’t transport enough oxygen to the brain. Water helps keep body temperature constant. If the organism receives too little water, we usually feel the effects very quickly through, such as:
- Circulatory problems
- Dizziness
- nausea
- Decline in performance
- Headache or
- Difficulty concentrating.
Water losses of 2 percent of body weight already lead to reduced performance.
Important constituents of water and their effect on the body
Not only the liquid itself, but also the ingredients of the water support the body in its functions. The most important trace elements and minerals in water and their effects on the body are as follows:
- Calcium strengthens bones and teeth, body cells and the nervous system; at least 150 milligrams of calcium per liter
- Magnesium activates the energy metabolism, promotes bone growth, supports muscle function; at least 100 milligrams of magnesium per liter
- Sodium is important for muscle irritability; at least 200 milligrams per liter
- Chloride regulates digestion and with sodium regulates the water balance; at least 200 milligrams of chloride per liter
- Sulphates contribute to the strength of hair and skin; at least 200 milligrams of sulphate per liter
- Hydrogen carbonate / bicarbonate regulates the acid-base balance; at least 600 milligrams per liter
- Potassium regulates blood pressure, stimulus transmission and muscle activity; at least 25 milligrams of potassium per liter
What mistakes are made when drinking?
According to the TK drinking study 2019:
- 56 percent of men drink the recommended daily amount, but more than a quarter (27 percent) of them still drink too little.
- 39 percent of women do not drink their daily recommended amount, 60 percent cover the minimum requirement or drink more.
In everyday life, many people tend to completely suppress their feeling of thirst for hours. We lose around one to 1.5 liters every day through excretions, breath and sweating. With greater exertion, such as during sports and in hot weather, the loss can increase enormously. But instead of regularly ensuring supplies, many often replace it with coffee, tea, alcohol, lemonade or soft drinks. Industrially produced beverages contain water, but also caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners and chemical additives that cause water loss. In addition, the water contained in the drinks can neither transport vital nutrients such as minerals and vitamins nor discharge harmful substances.
What are the consequences of a lack of water?
If we have too little water in us in the long run, we suffer from a chronic lack of water, i.e. dehydration of the body. The brain usually suffers first. Because it consists of around 90 percent water and if this reservoir is not completely filled, fatigue and chronic exhaustion will usually soon set in. We quickly lose the ability to concentrate and can no longer properly understand complex relationships. For example, a hangover after drinking alcohol is the result of extreme dehydration of the brain cells.
Mobile communications & water – Study report Lindenberg Energie GmbH
Effects of cellular communications on water
Biological systems communicate via fine electromagnetic currents, which can be measured in cell biology, between cells and organs and between individual organisms. This can be reduced or prevented by excessive, technically generated radiation. Waters tested in the laboratory change clearly under wifi radiation. For instance, as they are examined under the dark field microscope from Lindenberg Energie GmbH.
Effects of cellular communications on water and life
The examination of blood droplets and saliva also showed that both body fluids were changed after Wifi radiation. These tests with body fluids provide information on possible effects of cell phone radiation on our body. The connections between mobile communications and water structure and the significance of a change in water structures for biology (humans, animals and plants) need to be investigated in more detail. All study results on the effects of WiFi on water, blood and saliva can be found in the study report by Lindenberg Energie GmbH.
Tips on how to make the most of drinking
- Drink as evenly as possible throughout the day.
- During strenuous activities and hot weather, it is advisable to drink every 15 to 20 minutes.
- When you get up, drink a large glass of water to make up for fluid loss during the night.
- Remind yourself, your family members and your coworkers to drink. To do this, set up a drinking bottle or carafe within sight.
- Have a glass of water with every cup of coffee and meal.
- Avoid carbonated drinks and prefer still water instead.
- The body can better absorb drinks at room temperature.
Regular drinking:
- makes food easier to digest
- Dietary fiber can work better
- strengthens well-being
- prevents the unpleasant consequences of dehydration.
How Much Water Should We Drink?
Drinking pure water is essential for our life and health, as only water without additives can dissolve and flush out environmental substances and acidic waste products from our body daily. That is why it is imperative to drink regularly and consciously in order to stay healthy and fit. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends at least 1.5 to 2.5 liters of fluid per day for an adult as a rough guide. However, the individual needs of a person differ greatly according to:
- physical activities, such as strenuous physical work / exercise
- the age
- the health condition, such as fever or vomiting
- as well as external conditions in the environment, such as heat / cold.
In order to determine your own specific needs, you should take these aspects into account.
Tips on structured water
Below we give some tips on how to get more structured water into the body. These tips are based on what is known about structured water and are plausible conclusions. However, they have not been proven by specific studies and research.
Crystal stones
The method of placing crystal stones such as rock crystal, rose quartz or amethyst in the water is very well known. The water comes into contact with the special interfaces of these crystals on which structured water forms.
Water turbulence
Another method consists in swirling the water, as the mountain stream does in nature. Structured water also seems to form by itself during the whirling process.
Plant juices contain a lot of structured water
Green juices from plants probably have a particularly large amount of structured water. With a gentle juicer you can extract a very healthy juice from green plants. If you don’t like the taste at the beginning, you can add fruit juice.
Drinking enough gives the body the basis
Basically, the human body can itself produce structured water from simple liquid water. It is therefore imperative to drink enough water. If the body has too little water overall, it cannot produce enough structured water even with the best method.
Pollutants and toxins in drinking water prevent the formation
According to Prof. Gerald Pollack, there are substances that are generally beneficial to health and help to form structured water, such as B. Turmeric and Coconut Oil. Conversely, toxins such as glyphosate lead to a reduction in structured water in the body. That is why it is important to drink pure water that is free from harmful substances.
Warmth promotes the formation
Thermal radiation promotes the formation of structured water. You can get a lot of this energy in the sauna or while walking in the sun.
Walking barefoot is helpful
Since structured water is negatively charged, negative charge can promote the formation of structured water in the body. The Earth is negatively charged. If you walk barefoot on the earth, you have contact with this charge and thus promote the formation of structured water. Rubber-soled shoes or certain floors isolate us from this charge.
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Our book recommendations:
- Schwelzer, Ingomar: The water of life. 2017. Orders via: https://ruf.news/kontakt/
- Janotta, Hans: Healthy and vital in the company. 2021. https://shop.kornkammer-bio.de/491549//gesund_und_vital_im_betrieb_buch
- Dalla Via, Gudrun: Light waters and their healing powers. 2011.
- Pollack, Gerald H.: water. Much more than H2O. VAK publishing house. Freiburg 2015.
- Jentschura, Dr. H. c. Peter; Lohkämper, Josef: The plant our teacher. Jentschura publishing house. Münster 2016. https://verlag-jentschura.de/products/die-pflanze-unsere-lehrmeisterin
- Aquamichel Ltd. & Co KG: Structured water is important for health. Nuthe-Urstromtal 2018. https://www.lebendiges-trinkwasser.de/strukturierter-wasser-ist-wichtig-fuer-die-gesundheit/
- de/Chefkoch GmbH: Water – everything about mineral water, drinking water & Co. Bonn 2019. https://www.chefkoch.de/magazin/artikel/752,0/Chefkoch/Wasser-alles-ueber-Mineralwasser-Trinkwasser- Co.html
- Essen-und-trinken.de/Chefkoch GmbH: Drinking properly at work. Bonn 2021. https://www.essen-und-trinken.de/gesund-leben/80935-rtkl-wasser-unser-lebenselixier-richtig-trinken-im-job
- Essen-und-trinken.de/Chefkoch GmbH: Water. Bonn 2021. https://www.essen-und-trinken.de/wasser
- hkk health insurance: Children have to drink a lot. Bremen 2021. https://www.hkk.de/themen/kinder-und-gesundheit/kinder-muessen-besonders-viel-trinken
- Lindenberg Energie GmbH: Effects of mobile communications on water and life. Study situation and own experiments. Hohenrain 2020. https://www.lindenberg-energie.ch/fileadmin/Medien/PDF/2020-03-19_Bericht_Mobilfunk_und_Wasser_-_Lindenberg_Energie_GmbH.pdf
- Pollack, Gerald H., PhD: Pollack Laboratory. Seattle 2021. https://www.pollacklab.org/
- Richter, Heike: Medium of life – the meaning of water. Steuerberg 2021. https://ruf.news/medium-des-lebens-die-bedeutung-des-wassers/
- Richter, Heike: widespread disease water shortage. Steuerberg 2021. https://ruf.news/volkskrankheit-wassermangel/
- Richter, Heike: Water, the primordial matter as a kind of elixir of wisdom. Steuerberg 2021. https://ruf.news/wasser-die-urmaterie-als-eine-art-von-weisheitselixier/
- Techniker Krankenkasse: Drink Was (ser), Germany! TK drinking study 2019. Hamburg 2019. https://www.tk.de/resource/blob/2068252/ec60a26997cd43d8cf42c7a589eefb6f/studie–trinkstudie-2019-data.pdf
- Walz & Spitzenberger GmbH: Water Lexicon. Light water. Althegnenberg 2021. http://wasser-lexikon.de/lichtwasser/
- WDR: What is water? Cologne 2020. https://www1.wdr.de/verbrauch/ernaehrung/trinkwasser/wasser-100.html